LAB-DM2 is a digital pressure gauge made according to the most modern technologies to ensure a high level of reliability, versatility and practicality at the same time. The robustness and high stability over time are guaranteed by a sensor made entirely of stainless steel able to work even in the presence of highly dynamic pressures, and by a robust housing made by a fusion in painted aluminum. Designed for use in industrial process controls, automation and laboratory, achieves better accuracy class 0.15% in 22 different pressure ranges ABSOLUTE, RELATIVE, VACUUM and DIFFERENTIAL. With this manometer, it is possible to measure TEMPERATURE and PRESSURE generated from air, gas, oil, water or any other type of non-corrosive fluid. intattated electronics allows you to customize the instrument in different configurations to suit different applications, thanks to the sampling rate that can be programmed from 2.5 to 1200 Hz. 2 versions:
- BASIC Version powered directly from the USB port using the supplied power adapter which allows you to control the process and transmit data to the PC via software like appplicativi WinTEST2 (OPTION).
- FULL Version externally powered to 12Vdc or 24 Vdc which includes the USB output, 2 SET POINT with relay output to control levels of pressure or temperature, and several remote digital controls. As an OPTION you can also add an analog output, the serial communication RS232 and RS485 Modbus.
Digital pressure gauge
- Accuracy 0.15%
- Stainless steel INOX 17-4 PH sensor
- Protection degree IP40
- Pressure unit: bar – mbar – psi – MPa
- Resolution, digitale filter programmable
- Temperature range (Ris. 0.1 – accuracy ±1°C)
- Zero function, Hold e Peak (Positive and negative pressure)
- Comunication port USB 2.0
- USB power adapter (5VDC @700mA) and wire included
- CD with USB driver USB e user manual
- 2 SET point with programmable relè output
- Power supply: 12Vdc or 24Vdc
- Power Range: 12Vdc: 10,8-15V 24Vdc: 18 -26V
- max consumption Max: 120 mAmp
- Analogic output (OPTION)
Using range
Working pressure 100%
Highly dimamic pressure 75%
MAX pressure 150%
Break pressure >300%
Working temperature 0+70 °C
Storage temperature -10+80 °C
Scale --> Resolution
1, 2.5, 5 bar --> 0,001
10, 20 bar --> 0,002
50, 100 bar --> 0,01
250 bar --> 0,02
350 bar --> 0,05
500, 700 bar --> 0,1
1000 bar --> 0,1
1500 bar --> 0,2
2000, 2500 bar --> 0,5
- RS232 e RS485 communication port
- Modbus protocol or Printer protocol
- Analogic output 10V, 5V, 0…10V, 0…5V, 4-20mA (ONLY FULL VERSION).